Direct to consumer genetic testing

May 26, 2021


Your qualities are the DNA guidelines you acquire from your mom and father. They are an enormous piece of what makes “you.” Direct to consumer genetic testing for family line search for your genetic connections to certain geographic territories — the pieces of the world your ancestors probably came from, and maybe significantly more explicitly the nations and regions inside them. You may likewise get data about Jewish beginnings. Some direct to consumer genetic testing companies additionally give DNA matches — individuals who might be identified with you. Wellbeing related DTC genetic tests may give accommodating data about sustenance, skincare, and weight dependent on your genetic make-up. A few tests anticipate the dangers of creating explicit ailments or infections.

dtc genetic test




Bione; a key player of direct to consumer genetic and microbiome testing launched various tests like MyMicrobiome, gene check, LongiFit and longevity plus test.