Gut health and Microbiome Test

1 min readMay 19, 2021


Microbiome test uncovers and verbalizes a best image of our general wellbeing and furthermore goes about as a guidpost to what we ought to and ought not eat, where we are in danger for sickness and infection, and how we may best address accomplishing ideal wellbeing and life span. A sound microbiome is communicated ostensibly through decreased aggravation, more prominent essentialness and solid skin, energy, hair and nails. the gut microbiome is likely the expert control focus of generally speaking human wellbeing.

Bione Microbiome Test

The communication between the human microbiome and insusceptible framework affects a few human metabolic capacities and effects our prosperity. Furthermore, the cooperation among people and microorganisms can likewise assume a vital part in deciding the health or illness status of the human body. To know more about your Gut health get a Microbiome test kit online Bione and do your Gut Microbiome testing at home.




Bione; a key player of direct to consumer genetic and microbiome testing launched various tests like MyMicrobiome, gene check, LongiFit and longevity plus test.